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Monday, December 7, 2009

Dah naK hAbIz pRakTikAl..>>>

...sekejap jer dah 6 bulan aku masuk praktikal dah pun nak habis ..sedih mmg sedih aku mmg brsyukur cngat dapat wat praktikal dekat cnie....bkn mudah nk cari tempat praktikal yang mmg masuk dgn kte...pastu aku kene masuk blajar balik..huh...windu bangat dekat lecture dan kengkawan yang sengal2 hheheeheh....takperlah...perginya dan melangkahnya aku di tempat aku praktikal aku sentiasa doakan yang terbaik untuk..ku.....dan mendoakan semoga makcik2 dan pakcik di tempat praktikal sentiasa baik2 saja......>>>>SaYa SeNtIaSA..MeRInDuI aNdA sEkaLiAn.............SedEy JugAk.dAh naK MaSuk tAhuN bArU DaH......

Saturday, May 16, 2009

macam-macam hal..??

hurm....tk tahu nk ckap kadang ...ase macam xley pi je amik kos akaun..kadang sayang gak..yela...dah banyak belajar....pas bedah ni macam2 plak ku rasa....kadang cepat lengah aku mula nak tension..tapi tkper.la sabar je..la...kan...baru pas habis wat ubs ...skng mmg tkder mood giler...isaw pe dah jadi dengan ujian ubs aku..hope lulus dapat sijil jadi la......skg kena banyak tawakal..exam final..xhabis lagi dan bermula lah...juangan....aku..huhuhuuu.....chaiyow..aina....kadang aku benggang gler tapi banyak laa...yg support aku...so kuat..la.....yg paling banyak support skung dah gi langkawi....hurm...tunggu jela...kepulangan..dia...(pokemon)..hhehehhe skg kat kolej aku sebijik macam perangai pokemon dan banyak juga membantu aku...ribuan terima kasih yg tk terhingga aku ucapkan....kerana mengganti tempat kwn bek aku...tapi..tula.......risaw..pun da...pepun..kepada kawan,abang..family thank sbab bnyak.tolong support...ok.??

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


...urmmmm...penat.laa.macam2 keje..kami kena..wat makin nak final..makin banyak keje..la.....urm..lapooo..dah la..tk makan.lagi...skunk.tengah tunggu nak print ketas plak...bila la..masa nak rehat skunk...ni macam2 fikir..lepas satu satu....keje...yg paling pening..skali ..ubs..apa ke hal..la????

Monday, May 11, 2009


heehee..kami tengah on the way politeknik..bez gak..cuma tu..la kejap cangat..x sempat nak...main games lain..pepun tq a lots 4 kolej sebab...bawak kami gi sana...ok...

3 DaRa???

waahhh...kawan2 aku masa sekolah lagi..dowang ni keje ajak aku jog..jer..yela nak maintain badan....yg bestnya mmg kami gi jog pun..kawan aku sowang lepak..kat tepi jer coz demam aku ngan kwn aku ikut aku..kami jog tahap mmg jauh ar...separuh pengsan yg aku geram..ni..balik jer pada jog aku try suar baru beli..hampeh toll..longgaar dah laa..aku ni sekeping..uwuawawaw geram gak..ar..smpai skrg ak dah tobat tk nak jog..cuma teman minah2 maintain ni..jer..hheheh

Sunday, May 10, 2009


wahhhh ni aku karang sendiri buat mama yg paling aku sayang,so kowang jgn pernah melawan cakap mereka..k...pepun.aku dah beli..hadiah kat mama.aku hope mama aku suka.hehhhhe...tak de apa yg ternilai dari kasih sayang dan bimbingan ..kalo skrg kwang happy dapat tipu,dia melawan cakap dia ...nanti kowang rasa la..balasan nyerrr...aku paling benci sekali owang yg tk pernah pandai menilai kasih sayang terhadap keluarga...yg dowang tahu kebebasan jer..aku pun bebas gak..tp tk pun.nak menipu yg bukan2...jadi pepe baru nampak muka ayah,mak...naper tk panggil nama kawan2 yg seronok enjoys jer..susah sumer blahh...wat derggg..jer...fikir-fikirlahhh....aku pengalam banyak...sebab aku suka berkongsi cerita dengan owang mahupun kawan2 aku yg mengalami masalah seperti..ni..saper yg baca jgn terasa..ni juz...apa yg aku citer,, n tahu..jer....juz untk berkongsi......

Friday, May 8, 2009

my citerrr???

hurmmmm....dalam hidup ni macam-macam dugaan yg kte kena tempuh kan..lepas satu,satu..dulu aku lah manusia yg paling tk kenal apa tu..masalah..tapi sekarang aku dah terlampaw knal masalh..kan..urmmm.hidup tanpa dugaaan pun tk bermakna gakk...dalam setiap hidup manusia mesti ada kesilapan kan...so kena hati2 ..biar tk matang yg penting pemikiran yg matang,kita juga jngan mudah terpengaruh dengan benda2 yg tk masuk akal..ok..banyak laa.benda yg tk masuk akal ni...pandai2 kowang fikir...zaman sekarang...katakan??aku dah bosan dah..bab2 macam ni yg penting dekat mana kita,dimana berada jangan mudah lupa diri,macam kambing terlepas dari kandang..ehhehehe...enjoy2 gak..tapi jangan sampai owang bandar cakap alahai..jakun nyerrrr....mesti tk pernah sosial..kan ker tk pernah keluar pekan...??ker bandar ker?? pepun dalam diri tu biar ada pendirian yang tetap okay,jangan mudah owang jatuhkan kita,kita pun manusia biasa ..salah silap..normal..la..tapi jangan pernah kita menghukum owang..ok...heheh hidup remaja dari zaman sekolah,sampai tahap kolej mmg best kalo kte pandai nikmati kan....??biar owang nak cakap pepun tk per..mulut owng mana mampu tutup..aku mmg enjoy dengan hidup aku...yg penting sekeliling aku ada family yg sentiasa support,kawan2 n bf yang gler2 tp menuju ke arah wawasan walaupun kadang2 huru-hara...sikit....dalam dunia ni yg paling terindah selama-lamanya adalah kenangan kehidupan..dan family yang sentiasa ,happening's!!!hidup hanya sekali soo.....jadi yang terbaik dari terbaik....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

HaHa...TeLaDAn kAwaNkU...

HAH..kOwANg NaK tAhU x...TaDI AkU nGaN mIrA nGaN iDa Gi MaKn KaT SatU keDAi...niE..KtEoWnG pUN mAkN La....dENgAn hebatnyerr...ida amik kek kononnnyer nak wat
pencuci mulut..heheheee..dalam duk tengah mamam ada patut meja yang kteowg duduk nyaris...nak terbalik..huhuuhh....ada patut ida selamatkan kek dia ...hahhaha lawak giler tengok cara dia bawak lari..kek tu...owang lain ushaaa....semacam jer...APe lAgI....kTeOWanG coNtRoL...MaLu dOhH....HHeEEe...

halowssss...abOuT mY lEcTuReS...

Halow im aina now i want create about my bez lectures .im very likes puan subashini because she know how to make happy when english class started..she can make all students happy for the class ,she not selfish because she always help all students when we have somethings problem ,she very kind ,intelligent,bright,smart.im very happy when i look she smile because very sweet and cute..i hope she always smile and happy in her life.....when i graduated in kolej komuniti kulim..i hope puan subashini..dont forget me!!!!!mumuahahhaha love u..alwayss...

My cUtEy cAt...

waaHHH..GErAm AkU kAlO TenGoK KucIng yAnG ToMeY2 CaNgAt AkU kAlO bAb KuCiNG kER Or BiNaTaNg LaiN mMg CoPaT...hAh..TApI yNg tK hAlAl XlEY lA..JgN FikIR bUKn2 OK..AkU MmG CePaT sIMpATi deKat BInAtAng DaRi kEcIL lAgi..aKu SaNGGuP nAnGIS sEBaB kuciNg..MaCaM2 peNgAlamAn Laa..tEnTaNg KuCiNG ney..Nanti PaNjAng plAK cIteRT aKu..hehehhe..SaPe Da KUcIng yANG toMeY2 kAsi TAw..SKuNK aKu dAH TK BelA ApA2 yanG DA kuRA2,iKaN If dA GAk lA..AHaKzzzz....MEOwww....

mY LeCTUrEs......

hehhehe...skunk nie..dah bermula versi malay...pepun hope cangat teacher x marah ..hehhee..skunk aina nak create tentang teacher...aina nak ucapakan ribuan terima kasih kepada teacher,kerana tidak putus asa dalam mengajar aina dalam subject inggeris..sama gak laa..ngan lecture len yg banyak tolong dalam sumer subject..teacher..sory taw..sebab aina buat 2bahasa..aina bangga mendapat seorang teacher yg cantik,pandai,paham students dia,banyak memahami students ...tk pernah putus asa dalam menolong students dia..nama teacher sya puan subashini..aina respek sangat kt teacher ,coz cara mengajar kteowg sumer mmg best fun...gilerr... pepun aina hope teacher always happy,fun..and always cute...PEpUn aiNa hoPer DaPaT sCOrE DalM sUbJeCt inggeris... pepun aina minta maaf kalau banyak sakitkan hati sumer lectures..U ArE tHe bEz lEcTuReS..I LovE U So MuCh...AnD fOr mY LiFe LoNg I WoNt FoRGeT mY tEaChEr I LoVe hER So mUch....pUan SHUbAsHInI...AnD All LeCtUreS....MuAhhmUaHhH......

Monday, April 27, 2009

HaLowSS..CoLLeCtIon CaRs

hhehehe...urm..aku kalo bab kete mmg minat cangat...kadang tu..kire ada jer nak pikir macam ner..nak ubah kete aku,tapi modal x cukup ..nampaknya kena laa..lupakan kejap ..bagi cukup modal baru fikir..heheheh...kan best kalo duit turun dari langit..hehehe mesti sempoi kete aku watt..tkper skunk..nie..aku nak skodeng2 kete owang len dulu..nanti..ley aku dapat ilham yang sempoi..GEMpK....DoHhH......pepun skunk nk tumpu kat final exam dulu lah...coz paling penting dalam idpo..aku...kadang jelez dohhh..tengok kete owg len cam gempak..jer..tapi kita kene bersyukur sekurangnya derrrr gakkk...kete..kan..hehhehee....

CaRS..sAiKow PPiN!!KKK.

hikk..hik im very like the myvi car....especially saikow pink...wachaaa....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

HALOW..MY boyfriend name shahrul anuar bn ruslan....now he 21 years old...his very kinds .loving...friendly.cute,his birthday 4/12/1988 ,sometimes his call me sayang,baby or midori,him very noty coz call me midori,i call him abang,sometimes,hagemaru and hubby...now his go to specifically for bisness,i dont why his very like ..bisness maybe his want faster to rich..and im confused because his study in course engeernering computer ,but never mind i hope ,whatever his doing his can get the best in the bisness and future..and the best in industrialist..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

her name is wanie i meet her at hospital hukm,
i went there for my treatment,that time i meet wanie at there.
when i saw her first time i think she s normal person.
after that only i heard that she also same problem like mee.but the the sad news is she past away after she took the operation.it'z realy sad news for mee.

alowww....she is mummy dania...i hope she can take and always love dania...muahhhhahhh..but now she staying at alor setar.im miss dania..very muchh..(chibi maruko)

my baby kitten..

urmmm..im very sad,i have a kitten and rabbit but now my kitten's i gave to others people and my rabbit i gave to pets shop..ohhh..im very miss my pets...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

AbOuT ME ..YaHOOOwww

halosss...my name nur aina suryatie bt ruslan,i live in taman perumahan awam 2..my height is about 153cm,my weight only 39 0r 40kg...,i like reading a story book...and online internet....for a new..information...i very like playing badminton,every friday morning i like to jogging ...with my friends ang my parents..my birtday 22/10/1989..but now im 20 years old...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

alowwwsss....my baby rabbit...

this is my shoes ...my favourite shoes ...and very comfortable...

halowww....im dania melissa syafinaz..im very cute and chubby...hehehe....ddont noty2 okay..(my aunty call me chubby marukow) now the baby stay in alor setar with her mother and family..


Thursday, April 2, 2009

my mum and my dad

my mum and my dad im very love...my mum and my dad muahha!!they very romantic..and loving couple..
every end of the year,they always going to holiday,
example they always finish their holiday at langkawi or peneng....

im very like the flowers coz very beautiful and very romantic...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


FIRSTLY ..you must hae tuns flake and onion,salt,oil,chily powder,garlic,and ginger...secondly cut the onion,ginger and garlic into pieces.put the eggs into the bowl then mix it with the tuna flakes..
after that put the onions,ginger and garlic into the pan and fried it with oil,mix the tuna flakes ingredient with the chily powder and mixed of the onoin and wait until it is smell delicious..
lastly the tuna flakes is ready to eat with rice or bread.and you will enjoyed with the meal..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

hehe.....lasr creat....WHAT DO I THINK ABOUT BLOG

....... what i think about blog's for me very2 good and not throw my times,im very like and happy when i create and look my blog,when i do that i can improve in my english ,because im not good for english but i want try in blog when i creat,i can post comment and share about my life with my friends and share with my lectures ,for me the blog these skills will help student excel in education,at the all sudents level as well as in college,i think the blogs can give all students improve in english,and lastly i think all college lectures must more encouragement for students do blogs and creat the blogs,THANKYOU FO PUAN SUBASHINI BECAUSE ALWAYS SUPPORT ME DO THE BLOGS AND POST COMMENT...!! !


i think how to make our english class interesting,firstly before the class started we must warm up,example we clap our hand and the simple moving,we must communicate in english in and our out of classm,dont be stress when we go for english class,u all must happy and always smiles ,because the english class for me very best and happening....~!! ! okay.....


........6 THINGS i treasure most in my life,firstly i very treasure my car,secondly lap top,handfhone,my scooter then my dress and my albums pictures,im very proud to have this things and i must make sure all this things always good ,and not loosing ,thankyou for my parent to gave me all the things....


halow i think we need do many times for examnation because good for know where we for all paper,and must know where we know all about subject and we know level all examnation paper good or not good for all subject ,you all can test level cleverness in examnation but student must study hard for all paper to examnation ,sometimes half student dont't like for many times examnation,coz they must study hard,i think all lectures want heighten mark for all student's but we must study hard for all paper ,i dissuade for all students wake up and dont give up when you all exam ,because very important for your life and future....gogogo....CHAIYOWW...! !!!!

my AIM...for spa 203

.... firstly i hope about spa 203 i want will get excellent mark,because SPA 203 very important fot my future and whole of my career, i must get the best mark for the subject to make me proud of my life...coz do down to earth about this subject ,then i must to work hard . example i must read a english news paper ,listening speaking,learning writting and english grammar,im must be provided with opportunities to listen ,speak,read and write in the target language,i hope my teacher can support me always teach me ,about the subject (thank you teacher).......!!!

my...first day i go the College....

......... at my first day i went to the college ,community kulim ,im very be afraid and excited.im very happy because i can study in kolej comunity kulim ,although i have a many choice with a something kolej,but my choice is kolej comunity kulim ..first day i go im very shy and i dont have a friends becuase not interview another student's at college community kulim,my mum's and my dad's companion me then im not nerveous,then i meet a new friends .her names is tasha and she become to be my best friend,i hope that i can be the best student at the college community kulim for that i must study hard......

i dont forget when i see accident..!!!

....wEnt i on the way to .k.l ,i saw an accident at the highway.the excident happen because the tayar was flat and the car encroach the divider,ohhh...im very short because the excident opposite my eye and the driver was dead wiyh critical injury .but now i hope anyone drive can always carefully when your drive....okAyyyy.

i want CrEaTe AboUt......my claSSmAte

..........!!!...peace...i like all my classmate because they always make me happy but sometimes they very enjoy ,they can makes me happy ,they are very intelligent,bright,clever ..and the other is a gregarious..mumuahhhahh..miss you all..nyah,cik,fatin,ain,seri,sara,safuan,waheeda,ooi,izah..mira,for me..very gud friends in my class..i hope they...always remember me and still with my best friends in my class...i love..u all..

halowww..about i never forGeT MY speCIAL GIFT bitrdAy....

the Best birthday,i never forget is on my 16th and 19th coz my parent gave me a big present,that's was a scooter and perodua myvi..huh...ium very short and not believe when my parent give me...car...and i would not ever n ever forget taht loving present .Thank a lot for my mum's and my dad's for their support to make me HAppy for the whole life....!!

halowww...gud morning..about my favourite fruit..!!!

......my favourite fruit is a an apple mangoes grape and other nutritious food,i think pepole who do not eat healthy food can become very ill.it also shows food how to much of we should take a nutritious daily...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Sunday, March 8, 2009


today...im okay...but now...i want happy alwayss....and forget my all...problem...but now im very busy...huh....so tired...!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

hye..everybody i hope u all happy always...im very miss my best friend..i hope she happy always and always..remember me...!!!

hai......im come back..today im very boring....but now im very hungry....